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Specific Heat: New Science Lab!

Kaitlyn Cuff

In our newest Specific Heat lab, students explore different factors that impact how energy is transferred from heated substances with different specific heats to a fish tank full of water!

Students will be able to:

  • Determine how the cube's initial temperature affects its final temperature, measured right after it's taken out of the water.

  • Determine how the cube's specific heat affects its final temperature, measured right after it's taken out of the water.

  • Determine how changing the tank's volume affects the amount of heat gained by the tank's water from the cube.

For each investigation, students will hypothesize:

Then, they will collect their data:

After, they analyze the data:

Lastly, they will explain their findings and claim-evidence-reasoning feedback:

NGSS standards supported:

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Research generously funded by the National Science Foundation (DRL-1008649, DRL-0733286, DGE-0742503, DRL-1252477, IIS-1629045, IIS-1902647),

and the US Department of Education (R305A090170, R305A120778, EDIES15C0018, EDIES16C0014, 91990018C0022, 91990019C0037).

Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.


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