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How Inq-ITS Aligns with New STEELS Standards

The Inq-ITS Team

In January 2022, Pennsylvania adopted new academic standards for Science, Technology Engineering, Environmental Literacy & Sustainability (STEELS). Scheduled for full integration by the 2025-26 school year, these standards are a shift from having students memorize science facts to engaging them in meaningful scientific discourse, sustained investigations, and advanced reasoning.  

Inq-ITS, an innovative, AI-based virtual science lab platform, aligns perfectly with the new STEELS standards. Here's how:

  • Promoting Inquiry-Based Learning: STEELS standards emphasize scientific discourse and practices. Inq-ITS’s virtual labs provide authentic inquiry experiences, enabling students to formulate questions, conduct investigations, analyze data, and draw conclusions in a virtual environment. This authentic approach aligns with STEELS’ emphasis on active participation in science.

  • Encouraging Deep, Sustained Investigation: Inq-ITS labs engage students in scientific investigations, fostering a deeper grasp of both the practices of science, science concepts, and cross-cutting concepts. 

  • Supporting Learning of Scientific Reasoning: Inq-ITS supports learners in developing advanced scientific thinking skills. 

As schools adapt to these new standards, Inq-ITS can provide a valuable educational tool. It offers a platform that aligns with the STEELS standards' focus on experiential learning and critical thinking, making it an ideal resource during the three-year implementation window.

Inq-ITS is ready to assist educators and students in Pennsylvania as they engage in more inquiry-based science education. With its alignment to the STEELS standards, Inq-ITS is not just a teaching tool but a bridge to the future of science learning for the state. 


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Research generously funded by the National Science Foundation (DRL-1008649, DRL-0733286, DGE-0742503, DRL-1252477, IIS-1629045, IIS-1902647),

and the US Department of Education (R305A090170, R305A120778, EDIES15C0018, EDIES16C0014, 91990018C0022, 91990019C0037).

Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.


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