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Dr. Janice Gobert awarded with OISE/University of Toronto Leaders & Legends Innovation Award

Kaitlyn Cuff

We are thrilled to announce that our CEO, Dr. Janice Gobert, has been awarded the distinguished OISE Leaders & Legends Innovation Award by the University of Toronto. This accolade is awarded to alumni who have demonstrated exceptional innovation and leadership in their field.

Dr. Gobert, who received her doctorate from the University of Toronto, has been recognized for her pioneering and patented approach to AI-based solutions for improving science teaching, learning, and assessment. Her work continues to inspire and drive progress across academic, educational, and technological communities worldwide.

We are proud to have such a visionary leader at the helm of Inq-ITS, guiding us in transforming science education through innovation!


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Research generously funded by the National Science Foundation (DRL-1008649, DRL-0733286, DGE-0742503, DRL-1252477, IIS-1629045, IIS-1902647),

and the US Department of Education (R305A090170, R305A120778, EDIES15C0018, EDIES16C0014, 91990018C0022, 91990019C0037).

Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.


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